2009年6月19日 星期五

Lab Packet Sniffer

1. Install Protocol Analyzer Ethereal at http://www.wireshark.org/
2. Capture the packets at your Ethernet interface card.
3. Enter a login required website that you often go to, such as web mail. Don't use the real account or password.
4. Try to catch the packet that contains the password.

2009年6月12日 星期五

Lab Drag and Drop

1. Go to Laszlo and enter (Laszlo in 10 minutes).
2. Study and play around the "drag-and-drop" example.
3. Use this method to control movie playing as in the previous lab.
4. If you drag and drop the photo to the "play" area, the movie plays.
5. If you drap and drop the photo to the "pause" area, the movie pauses.

 ↑ 程式碼

Lab Movie Player

1. Go to Laszlo and enter (Laszlo in 10 minutes).
2. Study and play around the "scripting" and "video" examples.
3. Use this script to control movie playing.
4. If you push the "pause" button, the movie pauses.
5. If you push the "resume" button, the movie resumes.

Lab Speed Test


Tool: Speedtest
cycu proxy: proxy.cycu.edu.tw:3128
ncu proxy.csie.ncu.edu.tw:3128

 ↑ 中原大學對外速度

 ↑ 中央大學對外速度

Homework 6.5.2009

1. Please use the blog clouds to render your own blogs, not others.

2. 在你的部落格加上手機版



2009年6月5日 星期五

Lab Form Rewriting






2.課程時間格式(比如: 2-EFG 或 3-C )

Lab Google Analytics

1. Enter Google Analytics
2. Put the code provided by Google Analytics in your own blog.
3. Check the results to see the daily traffic chart, the recent visitors by locations.

Lab blog cloud

Build a blog cloud for your blog.

Lab Syndication with RSS 2.0

1. 進入你的部落格,登入,選擇自訂
2. 新增小工具
3. 選取
資訊提供 新增
將 RSS 或 Atom 資訊提供的內容加入您的網誌。

Blogger 製作

4. 撰寫或貼上所需連結(範例)

Lab navigation bar

1. 進入你的部落格,登入,選擇自訂
2. 新增小工具
3. 選取
HTML/JavaScript 新增
4. 撰寫或貼上所需連結(範例)

2009年5月20日 星期三

專業愈好 愈易就業

生醫福祉工程特論 (鍾文耀老師)

  今天一上課老師就發了幾張影印的新聞報導給我們看,其中一張有著斗大的標題『克魯曼:專業愈好 愈易就業』,老師說上課前要先跟我們來分享一些經驗…

  保羅·羅賓·克魯曼(Paul Robin Krugman,1953年2月28日),美國經濟學家及紐約時報專欄作家,普林斯頓大學經濟系教授,2008年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主,他受邀來台做為期兩天的演講,與政府、學生們進行座談與對話。近幾年的畢業生要找工作可能會很傷腦筋,因為面對的是失業率居高不下的環境,克魯曼建議學生們培養分析事情、解決問題的專業能力,『專業技能愈好,就業機會愈大』。




2009年5月15日 星期五


1. Open NVu
2. Based on the code as in http://www.scottandrew.com/weblog/articles/dom_4 ,
write a code to generate the table of 9*9 products. (九九乘法表)

Hint: The javascript code should be enclosed by script tags.

Lab Create Image using DOM

1. Open Nvu
2. Hand code a javascript that loads an image from Internet based on
the DOM model.
3. Take a look at the sample code that shows how window.onload to load the image.
4. Use a button to load the image. Try how onclick works.

2009年5月9日 星期六

2009年5月8日 星期五

Lab XML (2)

1. Register and Download Xray, an XML, XSLT editor and processor.

2. Given the
Listing 1. An XML document representing the results of a soccer tournament
Listing 2. A basic style sheet for the soccer results

use the XSLT as in the Listing 2 to transform the XML file as in the Listing 1.

3. View the formatted HTML file.
4. Given the
Listing 1. An XML document representing the results of a soccer tournament
Listing 3. A style sheet that computes team standings

compute the team standings in a table.

5. View the formatted HTML file.


1. Register and Download Xray, an XML, XSLT editor and processor.(安裝X-Ray需要權限)

2. Given the the XML file and XSLT file ,
use Xray to do the transformation of the XML into HTML.
You have to replace [ with <.

3. View the formatted HTML file.

Lab Hand code a form

Hand code a HTML or use Nvu to edit an HTML so that the webpage can send a request to Google like

Use Form CGI that includes action, input, and submit.
Try a few different coordinates.




Lab Form and Action

"logic will get you from A to B - imagination will take you anywhere"

How to use Form to invoke a remote service through CGI.

1. Copy the search box of this search page,
inlcuding radio buttons, text input, and submit button.
2. Open your Nvu HTML editor.
3. Open a new empty HTML file.
4. Paste the search box into this new file.

5. Use Nvu to add a Form to this search box. Do not hand code the HTML. Just fill the blank in the Form dialog.

6. In the form dialog, set Action="http://google.com/search" and name of Form as "f" and method as "get"
(See Hint if it does not work.)
7. Save your file on your computer. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?

8. Set method as "post"
9. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?





2009年5月1日 星期五

Homework 5-1-2009

1. 嘗試闖關以下這個遊戲
Place That State Game

2. 建立你的行事曆,並與學校行事曆合併


Lab Mash-up 4


Create a slide show of your album. Embed the album in your blog.

Hint: 挪威奧斯陸之行




Lab Mash-up 3

Maps of the Swine Flu Outbreak - Part 1
Maps of the Swine Flu Outbreak - Part 2
Maps of the Swine Flu Outbreak - Part 3

ps. More applications of Google Maps


Lab Mash-up 2

For housing services, compare the three websites

List the differences in the user interface design and usability. Make comments
by your use experiences.

比較: 美感,直覺性,流暢,預期反應

example: TMM

(1) housingmaps一開始是一個美國地,很直覺性地先選擇一個洲之後進入,再找尋你想要的地區(城市),或是一開始在網頁上面直接在選擇城市和價錢也可以;而各個房屋資訊提供地址、價錢、房間數、室內(各房間)和室外的照片,雖然簡單但卻不失實用性。

(2) UrMap的介面是一張大地圖,使用者需輸入地址才能找到想要的房屋,初步使用的結果發現沒有看到一些圖片或其他的資訊,雖然頁面簡單、直觀,不過感覺不方便、不實用。

(3) 7house的首頁太多其他不必要的廣告,容易使人眼花;功能上除了基本的選擇房屋的地點之外,還能選擇房屋的用途、坐向、價錢、坪數、格局等,這些功用也許可以便利許多人更快找到理想的房子,它們也有提供房屋的照片與仲介公司等資訊。如果我是個正要找房子的人,除了令人眼花的廣告外,其他的還算讓我滿意,造訪此網站的人數似乎也不少。

Lab Mash-up 1

1. Upload a sample ppt to Google Docs.
2. Publish the uploaded ppt.
3. Embed the online ppt to your blog.

The reason to do so is that the readers don't have to have ppt to view your presentation. For example, some users work with Linux or Unix, and others work with MacOS. They will appreciate you for doing so.

Hint: a sample work

2009年4月29日 星期三

Homework 4-17-2009





2009年4月17日 星期五

Lab Making web pages accessible

1. Use Firefox Accessibility Extension to identify the accessibility failures and warnings in http://google.com

2. Fix the failures you found.

Lab Access Keys

1. Use Firefox Accessibility Extension to identify the access keys defined in http://www.epa.gov.tw

2. Use GreaseMonkey to detect the access keys defined in http://www.epa.gov.tw
Hint: AccessBar: displays defined accesskeys in a fixed-position bar along the bottom of the window.

3. Are the two results in the above the same?
Ans:The same.

Lab Firefox Accessibility Extension

Use Firefox Accessibility Extension to check the accessibility of three sites that you visit most.
Report the summary of all the errors and warnings for each site.

